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domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008


He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina - 30/10/1960 and was a soccer player, his nicknames are "El Diez" and "Pelusa".
He is considered one of the best in the football, he was the Best Player of the Century with 53.6% of the votes.
Maradona get very importants achievements with the national team (Argentina) and with some teams in which he has played. With the national team won the World Cup in 1986, was the losing finalist in the 1990 World Cup and the World Youth 1979. His most important achievements at clubs was playing in the Napoles, where he won a UEFA Cup and two Scudetto, the only ones that the club has.
These successes were often clouded by his addiction to drugs, which affected his career in football and to his healyh. Besides that, was involved in several legal acts of different kinds, including the arrest in April 1991 for possession of cocaine and the sentencing in 1999 (two years imprisonment for assaulting some photographers with a compressed air rifle in 1994).
After getting out the professional football, he was a host in a program, La Noche Del 10, in channel 13, in 2005. Then, he was named as vice president of the Club Atletico Boca Juniors Committee of Football from June 2005 to August 2006. At this moment he is the national coach of Argentina.
Fernando & José Carlos

4 comentarios:

Emilia dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
lolilloo dijo...

Wow!! This work is the best because is about the most important person in the football world .
Good Fer , I like this work...xD
Bye for now
By: Sir Manolo

jorge dijo...

hi fenando
i like your work becouse
i like maradona.
see you

lolaespino dijo...

Congratulations! Be aware of spelling mistakes and don't forget the subjects in your sentences.