A – The Life Line: look at the depth and strength of the line in comparison to the other lines.
B – The Head Line indicates fortitude of mind and artistic capacity
C – The Heart Line indicates how we relate to other people
D – The Destiny Line documents our career path and our work attitude
Mounts: represent where our energy and talents lie.
Ju – Jupiter: ambition, willingness to share and socialise.
Sa – Saturn: stability, responsibility, love of tradition.
Ap – Apollo (Sun): love of life, creativity, success
Me – Mercury: interaction skills, diplomacy, quickness of mind
Ma+ : Mars positive: courage, energy, willingness to defend beliefs
Ma- : Mars negative: sense of responsibility and commitment to the social community, and endurance power
Pl of Ma – the Mars plain: the relation of our personality with others, and how we use the other Mars characteristics
Lu – Luna: imagination, inventiveness, intuition, romantic aspirations, written skills
Ne – Neptune: if present, indicates a charming, magnetic and intuitive character. Natural performer.
Ve – Venus: passion for life, virility. Usually very pronounced in hands of artists.