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miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

Airport anouncements

Here you can work on the listening test

5 comentarios:

ボルハ dijo...

HI Lola,
First of all I'll congratulate you 'cause the play was fantastically(intentaba poner increiblemente) funny, but I've to say you that I think your calendar is wrong because we haven't got english class on thursdays (I think, I'm the unsurest person in the hole world xd)

Bye and thanks again

Karen dijo...

Hi ticher How are you? thnaks four your invitation in your blog is very cool thanks.bye

lolilloo dijo...

Hi ticher,
I like this blog.The photos are very funny because no sign out on any photo...=^)
I have a positive no¿?xD Is a joke

Bye and thanks for the invitation.

By:Sir Manolo.xD

dK|MoLu dijo...

Congratulate for this blog Teacher

good work teacher!!

thanks for invitation and thanks for all

Molu :)

*LeTii* dijo...

Hello teacher.!
the blog is very insteresting, altouhg we the theater's photos to write some ..¿comentarios? .. xD

so, congratulations for the blog
